Hello everyone.
Wow, time is flying by at the moment and I must apologise for leaving it so long. I have been so busy making cards and looking after my new granddaughter that I have got behind with my blog which isn't good.
I invested in some lovely Ohuhu colouring pens before Christmas from Amazon, 200 of them in fact, and then I had a couple more packs bought for me at Christmas. I have been experimenting with them, which has taken some getting used to but I'm getting better the more I use them. It's hard to find the best colours to blend together as it is not always the colours you think it will be. I made a couple of cards, with a Christmas theme, after Christmas to put in my box in preparation for this year. I always say I'm going to start early so this was a good chance to.
The images are from Dr Digi's House of Stamps and can be found here and here. I entered the Bah Humbug card into the Dr Digi weekly competition on Facebook and actually won a prize of a free digi stamp which I was very pleased about. I haven't won anything before from posting pictures of my cards so that was very nice to see especially right at the beginning of the new year.
Please come back again soon, I have lots more to show you.
Take care